# Become a UGC creator
Whether you're a nano, micro or macro influencer: Do you enjoy producing creative and high-quality photo and video material? Then register now as a UGC creator with our partner agency boksi.

Briefly about boksi
boksi is a platform designed to bring brands and creators together even more quickly and easily.
Why should you become part of boksi?
- More opportunities to implement great campaigns with great brands
- Simplified processing: no pitches or negotiations necessary - but possible
- Calendar overview so that you have your current campaigns and upcoming posting dates at a glance.
- Free presets to make your content even more beautiful
How can you become part of boksi?
Register here easily and free of charge on boksi, complete your profile and link your socials. When registering, our invitation code: wearetheinfluencer is already stored, so you will be assigned directly to our portfolio and get the chance to be a part of many exciting and unique campaigns in the future.